Laravel Quick Reference
- Debugging Techniques
- Auth
- Installation and Configuration
- Maintenance Mode
- Blade and Views
- Tips and Techniques
- Routes
Debugging Techniques
Dumping Variables
<pre>{{ json_encode($answers, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) }}</pre>
Login Specific User
Installation and Configuration
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
Alternatively you can install the Laravel installer and use it to create a new project:
composer global require laravel/installer
laravel new example-app
Tack on the --pest flag to use Pest as the testing framework:
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app --pest
Maintenance Mode
# Enable maintenance mode
php artisan down
# Disable maintenance mode
php artisan up
# Display a message when in maintenance mode
php artisan down --secret="apple" --render="errors::coming-soon"
# Bypassing Maintenance Mode
php artisan down --secret="apple"
# Pre-Rendering The Maintenance Mode View
php artisan down --render="errors::503"
# Redirect Maintenance Mode Requests
php artisan down --redirect=/
Blade and Views
Determining If A View Exists
Choose between local or package view
// check local view
if (view()->exists("layouts.$this->layout")) {
return view("layouts.$this->layout");
// if not exists, use package view
return view("package::layouts.$this->layout");
$viewPath = view()->exists("layouts.$this->layout")
? "layouts.$this->layout"
: "package::components.$this->layout";
return view($viewPath)->with(['data' => $data]);
if (view()->exists('user.dashboard-layout')) {
return view('user.dashboard-layout');
} else {
return view('authit::user.dashboard-layout');
Tips and Techniques
Validate option is 'in' a dropdown or simulate control
const STATUSES = [
'success' => 'Success',
'failed' => 'Failed',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'status' => 'required|in:'.collect(Model::STATUSES)->keys()->implode(',')
<x-gt-select wire:model.defer="editing.layout" for="editing.layout"
label="Layout" placeholder="Please Select...">
@foreach (App\Models\Model::STATUSES as $value => $label)
<option value="{{ $value }}">{{ $label }}</option>
Route::redirect('/here', '/there', 301);
return redirect()->route('login');
Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
return redirect('/home/dashboard');