Eloquent: Advanced Nesting and Optimisation Techniques

In this guide, we explore advanced Eloquent techniques for eager loading nested relationships and optimising queries. We will use a scenario involving a learning management system with multiple related tables to demonstrate how to retrieve a single student course along with associated student lessons. The goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the course, including all course, module, and lesson information.

For a basic example refer to the Eloquent: Optimisation Walkthrough guide.


We have a learning management system with several related tables:

There is a courses table that contains information about various courses, a modules table for modules related to each course, and a lessons table for lessons associated with each module. Additionally, we have a student_courses table tracking student enrollments and a student_lessons table recording lessons students have completed.

The goal is to retrieve a single student course along with associated student lessons. The result should provide an overview of the course, including all course, module, and lesson information.


  • courses: Stores information about various courses.

    • Columns: id, title, code, published_at.
  • modules: Contains modules related to each course.

    • Columns: id, title, position, course_id.
  • lessons: Holds lessons associated with each module.

    • Columns: id, title, position, module_id.
  • student_courses: Contains information about courses that students have enrolled in.

    • Columns: id, started_at, completed_at, course_id, user_id.
  • student_lessons: Stores information about lessons that students have completed.

    • Columns: id, completed_at, lesson_id, student_course_id.


  • A course has many modules.
  • A module belongs to a course.
  • A module has many lessons.
  • A lesson belongs to a module.
  • A course has many student_courses.
  • A student_course belongs to a course.
  • A student_course has many student_lessons.
  • A student_lesson belongs to a student_course.
  • A lesson has many student_lessons.
  • A student_lesson belongs to a lesson.

ER Diagram

    USERS ||--o{ STUDENT_COURSES: "enrolls"
    COURSES ||--o{ MODULES: "contains"
    MODULES ||--o{ LESSONS: "contains"
        bigint id PK
        string title
        string slug
        datetime published_at
        bigint id PK
        string title
        integer position
        bigint course_id FK

        bigint id PK
        string title
        integer position
        bigint module_id FK

        bigint id PK
        datetime started_at
        datetime completed_at
        bigint course_id FK
        bigint user_id FK

        bigint id PK
        datetime completed_at
        bigint lesson_id FK
        bigint student_course_id FK

Basic Query with Eager Loading and Column Selection

First, we retrieve a single student course by its ID and eager load the student_lessons relationship:

$studentCourse = StudentCourse::select('id', 'started_at', 'completed_at', 'expired_at')

This query retrieves the student course along with associated student lessons. However, the result lacks detailed course, module, and lesson information. The next step is to extend this query to include human-readable data by adding the necessary course, module, and lesson details.

Eager Loading with Nested Relationships

First, we will start by eager loading the course relationship, as it is a direct relationship with the student_courses table:

$studentCourse = StudentCourse::select('id', 'started_at', 'completed_at', 'expired_at')

Next, we extend the query to load nested relationships. Specifically, we will load the lesson and module details through the studentLessons relationship:

$studentCourse = StudentCourse::select('id', 'course_id', 'started_at', 'completed_at', 'expired_at')
        'course:id,title,code',                                         // Load course details
        'studentLessons:id,student_course_id,lesson_id,completed_at',   // Load student lessons
        'studentLessons.lesson:id,title,position,module_id',            // Load lesson details via studentLessons
        'studentLessons.lesson.module:id,title,position,course_id'      // Load module details via lesson

In this query:

  • The course:id,title,code relationship fetches the course information associated with the studentCourse.
  • The studentLessons relationship loads all student lessons associated with the studentCourse.
  • The studentLessons.lesson loads details for each lesson, and through studentLessons.lesson.module, the corresponding module details are retrieved.


When working with selected columns, eager loading, and nested relationships, ensure that all necessary columns are included in the select method. Specifically, be mindful of the primary key (PK) and foreign key (FK) relationships required to properly load related models. If a foreign key column is missing, the query may not return the expected results when eager loading relationships.

For example, in the query below, eager loading the course relationship won't work as expected if the course_id (the foreign key) is not selected:

// Incorrect: Will not return course details due to missing course_id
$studentCourse = StudentCourse::select('id')

To resolve this, ensure that the foreign key course_id is included in the select method, allowing the relationship to be properly loaded:

// Correct: Include course_id to load the course relationship
$studentCourse = StudentCourse::select('id', 'course_id')

In this case, the course_id is the foreign key linking the student_courses table to the courses table, and it must be present in the query to load the associated course data.

View Example

<div class="bx space-y-05">
    <!-- student course details -->
    <div class="flex gap-3">
        <div class="txt-lg fw7 txt-blue">Student Course Details</div>
        <div><strong>Student Course ID: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->id }}</div>
        <div><strong>Started: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->started_at }}</div>
        <div><strong>Completed: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->completed_at }}</div>
        <div><strong>Expired: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->expired_at }}</div>
    <!-- course details -->
    <div class="flex gap-3">
        <div class="txt-lg fw7 txt-blue">Course Details</div>
        <div><strong>Course ID: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->course->id }}</div>
        <div><strong>Course Title: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->course->title }}</div>
        <div><strong>Course Code: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->course->code }}</div>
<div class="grid cols-4 gap va-t">
    @foreach ($studentLessons as $sl)
        <div class="bx space-y-05">
            <!-- student lesson details -->
                <div class="txt-lg fw7 txt-blue">Student Lesson Details</div>
                <div><strong>Student Lesson ID: </strong>{{ $sl->id }}</div>
                <div><strong>Completed: </strong>{{ $sl->completed_at }}</div>
                <div><strong>Student Course ID: </strong>{{ $sl->student_course_id }}</div>
            <!-- lesson details -->
                <div class="txt-lg fw7 txt-blue">Lesson Details</div>
                <div><strong>Lesson ID: </strong>{{ $sl->lesson->id }}</div>
                <div><strong>Lesson Title: </strong>{{ Str::limit($sl->lesson->title, 30) }}</div>
                <div><strong>Lesson Module ID: </strong>{{ $sl->lesson->module_id }}</div>

Add this

Can now access the course details via the studentCourse relationship:

// from
<div><strong>Course Title: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->course->title }}</div>
// to
<div><strong>Course Title: </strong>{{ $studentCourse->title }}</div>