Laravel Migrations

Quick Reference

Command Notes
php artisan migrate:fresh Drop all table the execute migrate
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed Drop all table the execute migrate and seeders
php artisan migrate:reset Rollback migrations
php artisan migrate:rollback --step=5

Foreign Key Constraints

// verbose syntax

// terser syntax automatically creates an UNSIGNED BIGINT equivalent column

Cascade Actions

$table->cascadeOnUpdate();      // Updates should cascade.
$table->restrictOnUpdate();     // Updates should be restricted.
$table->cascadeOnDelete();      // Deletes should cascade.
$table->restrictOnDelete();     // Deletes should be restricted.
$table->nullOnDelete();         // Deletes should set the foreign key value to null.

Check for Table Existence

if (!Schema::hasTable('table_name')) {
    // Do stuff