Drag And Drop Sorting In Laravel


This guide walks through the process of adding drag-and-drop sorting functionality to a Laravel application using AlpineJS and its sorting plugin. The solution works seamlessly with both Laravel and Livewire components.

Before you begin, make sure you have a Laravel application set up with the Naykel/Gotime starter package and JTB, and that you have a basic understanding of Livewire.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement drag-and-drop in Laravel by creating a simple Livewire to-do list component with drag-and-drop functionality.

Set Up

Create Model, Migration, and Factory

First, we need to create a migration, model, and factory for the to_dos table. To do this, run the following command in your terminal:

php artisan make:model ToDo -mf

Navigate to the database/migrations directory and open the migration file. Add the following code to the up method in the migration file to add the basic necessary fields.

Schema::create('to_dos', function (Blueprint $table) {

Open the generated factory file and add the following code to define the factory:

public function definition(): array
    return [
        'name' => $this->faker->sentence,
        // this needs to be updated to be more dynamic and work with existing records
        'position' => $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 10),

Seed and Migrate the Database

The id field is being set to prevent the first record from being created with an id of 1. This is to make it easier to visualise the sorting functionality and the values being updated.

Intentionally set the position out of order to demonstrate the sorting functionality.

ToDo::create(['id' => 487, 'name' => 'First todo...', 'position' => 0]);
ToDo::create(['name' => 'Second todo...', 'position' => 1]);
ToDo::create(['name' => 'Third todo...', 'position' => 4]);
ToDo::create(['name' => 'Fourth todo...', 'position' => 3]);
ToDo::create(['name' => 'Fifth todo...', 'position' => 2]);

Run the migration to create the to_dos table:

php artisan migrate --seed

Add AlpineJS and the Sort Plugin to Your Project

// Alpine Plugins
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@alpinejs/sort@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

// Alpine Core
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/alpinejs@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>

Create Livewire Component

php artisan make:livewire SortableToDoList

The command will generate two files app/Livewire/SortableToDoList and resources/views/livewire/sortable-to-do-list.blade.php.

Basic Component

Now, modify the SortableToDoList component to fetch the to-dos from the database and display them in the view.


namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use App\Models\ToDo;
use Livewire\Component;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class SortableToDoList extends Component
    public string $view = 'livewire.sortable-to-do-list';

    protected function query()
        return ToDo::query();
    public function render()
        $query = ToDo::all()->sortBy('position');

        return view($this->view, [
            'items' => $query
The view property is used to prevent an error when using the sort method. For reasons which are not clear, you get an error when the sort method fires unless there is at least one public property defined in the component.

Add the sort Method

Add the sort method to the SortableToDoList component to handle the drag-and-drop sorting functionality.

public function sort($id, $position): void
    $model = $this->query()->findOrFail($id);

    DB::transaction(function () use ($model, $position) {
        $current = $model->position;

        // No position change, do nothing and exit early...
        if ($current === $position) return;

        // Temporarily move the item out of the position stack...
        $model->update(['position' => -1]);

        // Grab the shifted block and shift it up or down...
        $block = $this->query()->whereBetween('position', [
            min($current, $position),
            max($current, $position),

        // Determine the direction of the shift...
        $isDraggingDownwards = $current < $position;

        // Adjust the positions: decrement for moving down, increment for moving up
            ? $block->decrement('position')
            : $block->increment('position');

        // Reinsert the item back at its new position
        $model->update(['position' => $position]);

    // Re-arrange the list in case there are any gaps...

Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Find the Target Model

The sort method starts by locating the ToDo model with the given $id passed to the method. This is done using the query() method, which retrieves the ToDo model query builder. It ensures the model exists with findOrFail($id). If the item with the provided ID is not found, an exception will be thrown.

  1. Transaction Block

The sorting logic is wrapped inside a DB::transaction() to ensure that all changes are made atomically. If any part of the process fails, all changes are rolled back, maintaining data integrity.

  1. Position Check

Inside the transaction, it checks if the item's current database position ($current) is the same as the desired new $position. If there is no change in position, the method returns early without doing anything.

  1. Move Item Temporarily Out of Stack

The target ToDo item is temporarily moved out of the position stack by setting its position to -1. This is a placeholder value that ensures no conflicts while adjusting the positions of other items in the list.

  1. Shift the Block of Affected Items

It identifies a range of items whose position values need to be shifted.

This is done using whereBetween('position', [min($current, $position), max($current, $position)]) to get the range of items that will be affected by the reordering.

  • If the item is being dragged down ($current < $position), the positions of the affected items are decremented.
  • If the item is being dragged up ($current > $position), the positions of the affected items are incremented.
  1. Reinsert the Item

After the block of affected items is shifted, the target ToDo item is placed back into the correct $position using update(['position' => $position]).

Add the arrange Method

The arrange method is used to reassign the positions of all items in the list after a drag-and-drop operation. This ensures that the positions are sequential and there are no gaps between the items.

public function arrange(): void
    DB::transaction(function () {
        $position = 0;

        foreach ($this->query()->get() as $model) {
            $model->update(['position' => $position++]);

Update the Blade View

Open resources/views/livewire/sortable-to-do-list.blade.php and add the following to build out our front end and sortable list.

<div x-sort="$wire.sort($item, $position)" class="space-y-05">
    @foreach ($items as $todo)
        <div wire:key="{{ $todo->id }}" x-sort:item="{{ $todo->id }}" class="bx flex va-c hover:bg-gray-100 cursor-move">
            <div class="flex space-between w-full ">
                <div>{{ $todo->name }}</div>
                <div>Position: {{ $todo->position }}</div>

Add Sort Handle

By default, when using the AlpineJS sort plugin, the entire element is draggable. To make the dragging more user-friendly, you can add a handle to the element that users can click and drag to reorder the list.

<div x-sort="$wire.sort($item, $position)" class="space-y-05">
    @foreach ($items as $todo)
        <!-- Drag and drop item -->
        <div wire:key="{{ $todo->id }}" x-sort:item="{{ $todo->id }}" class="bx flex va-c">
            <!-- Drag handle -->
            <div x-sort:handle class="cursor-move pxy-025 mr-05 opacity-05">
                <x-gt-icon name="drag-vertical" class="wh-1" />
            <!-- Item content -->
            <div class="flex space-between w-full ">
                <div>{{ $todo->name }}</div>
                <div>Position: {{ $todo->position }}</div>

Trouble Shooting

Drag and drop sorting is not holding the position.

  • Make sure you set orderBy('position') in the query method. (set global scope)

Additional Resources