
Using Factories to Generate Related Models

When creating a model with relationships, you can use factories to generate related models.

return [
    'started_at' => now(),
    'user_id' => User::factory(), // Use the User factory to generate a user_id

Set Factory State

public function published(?Carbon $date = null): self
    return $this->state(
        fn (array $attr) => ['published_at' => $date ?? Carbon::now()]

Factory Relationships

Has Many Relationships

$course = Course::factory()

Nested Relationships

$course = Course::factory()

## Fake Data

### Numbers

#### `randomDigit`, `randomNumber`, `numberBetween` 

// an integer between 0 and 9
// random integer with UP TO n digits (123, 43, 19238, 5, or 1203)
$this->faker->randomNumber(5, false);
// random integer with EXACTLY n digits (2643, 42931, or 32919)
$this->faker->randomNumber(5, true);
// integer between
'price' => $this->faker->numberBetween(500, 100000);


randomFloat($nbMaxDecimals = null, $min = 0, $max = null): 
'price' => $this->faker->randomFloat(2),
'price' => $this->faker->randomFloat(2, 5, 30);
'price' => ceil($this->faker->randomFloat(2, 5, 10.50)*10)/10,

Unique Data

You can generate unique data simply by using the unique method.

'code' => $this->faker->unique()->numberBetween(1000000, 9000000),
'code' => $this->faker->unique()->randomNumber()

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