
Getting Started

Command Description
mongo Start the MongoDB shell.
mongod Start the MongoDB server.
db Show the current database.
show dbs List all available databases.
use <database> Switch to a specific database.
show collections List all collections in the current database.

Insert commands

Command Description
db.collectionName.insert() Insert a document into a collection.
db.collectionName.insertMany() Insert many documents into a collection.
db.products.insertOne({ name: "Product 2", price: 19.99 })

    { name: "Product 1", description: "Description of Product 1.", price: 19.99, units: 50 },
    { name: "Product 2", description: "Description for Product 2.", price: 29.99, units: 30 },
    { name: "Product 3", description: "Description for Product 3.", price: 9.49, units: 100 },

Find commands

Command Description
db.collectionName.find().limit() Limit the number of results in a query.
db.collectionName.find().skip() Skip a specified number of results in a query.
db.collectionName.find().count() Count the number of documents in a collection.
db.collectionName.find().distinct() Find distinct values in a field.
db.collectionName.find().pretty() Format query results for readability.
db.collectionName.find().explain() Get query execution plan and statistics.
db.collectionName.find().forEach() Iterate over query results and apply a function.
db.collectionName.find().mapReduce() Perform map-reduce operations.
db.collectionName.find().hint() Force MongoDB to use a specific index.
db.products.find() // all
db.products.find({field: value}) // filter
db.products.find({field: value}, { field: 1, otherField: 1 }) // filter and show fields

Sorting results

db.collectionName.find().sort({ sortBy: 1 }) // ascending
db.collectionName.find().sort({ sortBy: -1 }) // descending
// sort by multiple fields
db.collectionName.find().sort({ sortBy: 1, anotherSortBy: 1 })
db.collectionName.find().sort({ sortBy: -1, anotherSortBy: 1 })

Delete commands

Command Description
db.collectionName.deleteOne() Delete a single document from a collection.
db.collectionName.deleteMany() Delete multiple documents from a collection.
db.products.deleteOne({ name: "Product 1"})
// delete all

Update commands

db.products.updateOne({ name: "Product 1"}, { $set: { price: 29.99 }})

| db.collectionName.update() | Update documents in a collection. | | db.collectionName.remove() | Remove documents from a collection. | | db.collectionName.aggregate() | Perform aggregation operations on a collection. | | db.collectionName.createIndex() | Create an index on a collection field. | | db.collectionName.dropIndex() | Delete an index from a collection. |

Aggregation commands

Command Description
db.collectionName.aggregate().unwind() Deconstruct an array field.
db.collectionName.aggregate().group() Group documents by a specified field.
db.collectionName.aggregate().match() Filter documents in an aggregation pipeline.
db.collectionName.aggregate().sort() Sort documents in an aggregation pipeline.
db.collectionName.aggregate().project() Include or exclude fields in an aggregation.
db.collectionName.aggregate().lookup() Perform a left outer join with another collection.