Alpine Quick Reference

x-ref and $x-refs

In Alpine.js, $refs is used as a replacement for document.getElementById and document.querySelector. It allows you to access DOM elements directly from Alpine data. The x-ref attribute is used to assign a reference name to a DOM element, and $refs is used to access that element.

<!-- instead of assigning an id, you add x-ref -->
<div x-data x-init="console.log($refs.greeting.innerHTML)">
    <div x-ref="greeting">Hello!</div>

<!-- replaces -->
<div x-data x-init="console.log(document.getElementById('greeting').innerHTML)">
    <div id="greeting">Hello!</div>


x-model allows you to bind the value of an input (text, radio and checkbox) , textarea or select element to Alpine data.

<textarea x-model="message"></textarea>
<span x-text="message"></span>

<div x-data="{ message: '' }">
    <input type="text" x-model="message">
    <button x-on:click="message = 'changed'">Change Message</button>

Entangle example

<div x-data="{ inputValue: $wire.$entangle('firstname') }">
    <input id="firstname" x-model="inputValue">


Get a value using the $wire property

<p>Firstname: <span x-text="$wire.firstname"></span></p>

Entangle example

<div x-data="{ message: $wire.entangle('message') }">
    <span x-text="message"></span>

How to use AlpineJS in a script instead of inline

Re-usable data in script (extract x-data)

<div x-data="{message: '', someMethod: function() { console.log('Button has been clicked'); }}"
    x-init="message = 'This is the message'">
    <div x-text="message"></div>
    <button class="btn" x-on:click="someMethod()">Trigger Method</button>
<div x-data="myComponent">
    <div x-text="message"></div>
    <button class="btn" x-on:click="someMethod()">Trigger Method</button>

    window.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {'myComponent', () => ({
            message: '',
            init() {
                this.message = 'This is the message';
            someMethod() {
                console.log('someMethod has been called')


What's the difference between x-text and x-model?

x-text: This directive is used to update the text content of an element. It doesn't create a two-way data binding. It's similar to using textContent in JavaScript.

x-model: This directive creates a two-way data binding between the element and the state. It's typically used with form elements like input, select, and textarea. When the value of the form element changes, the state is automatically updated. Similarly, when the state changes, the value of the form element is automatically updated.

In summary, use x-text when you want to update the text content of an element, and use x-model when you want to create a two-way data binding with a form element.