Linux Command-Line Cheatsheet


Command Description
cd [directory] Change directory (~ is home, and / is root directory)
pwd Print working directory
ls List files and directories
ls -l List files in long format
ls -a List all files, including hidden ones
du -sh Get size of current directory

Process Management

Command Description.
ps Display running processes
top Monitor system processes in real-time
kill [PID] Terminate a process by its process ID
killall [process] Terminate all processes with a given name


Command Description
grep [pattern] [file] Search for a pattern in a file
grep -r [pattern] [directory] Recursively search for a pattern in a directory
find [directory] -name [filename] Find files/directories by name


Command Description
ifconfig Display network interfaces and IP addresses
ip addr Display network interfaces and IP addresses
ping [host] Send ICMP echo requests to a host
wget [URL] Download files from the web
ssh [user]@[host] Connect to a remote host using SSH


Command Description
tar -czvf [archive.tar.gz] [directory] Create a gzip-compressed archive
tar -xzvf [archive.tar.gz] Extract a gzip-compressed archive
unzip [] Unzip a ZIP archive
gzip [file] Compress a file (creates file.gz)

System Information

Command Description
uname -a Display system information
df -h Display disk space usage
free -h Display RAM usage
uptime Display system uptime
who Display logged-in users

Package Management (Debian/Ubuntu)

Command Description
sudo apt update Update package lists
sudo apt upgrade Upgrade installed packages
sudo apt install [package] Install a package
sudo apt remove [package] Remove a package
dpkg -i [package.deb] Install a .deb package

Install Software Updates and Settings

  # Sync available packages and upgrade
  sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  # remove packages that were automatically installed as dependencies and are no longer needed
  sudo apt autoremove
  # Set hostname, replace example-hostname with one of your choice.
  hostnamectl set-hostname example-hostname
  #list time zone
  timedatectl list-timezones

System Settings

Syntax Action
timedatectl list time zone
timedatectl set-timezone 'Australia/Brisbane' set timezone