
Form Object and Model Binding

Can't set model as property if it hasn't been persisted yet

Livewire cannot re-hydrate a model that does not exist in the database, so you can not create a new blank model and pass it to a Livewire component. You can only pass a model that has been persisted to the database.

Event Troubleshooting

DispatchTo not working

  • Make sure you are using $dispatchTo and not just $dispatch

Dispatch or DispatchTo not working or event not being caught

If you are dispatching to a dynamic component, make sure the component is available to listen to the event. For example, the code below will fail because the create-edit component is not available to listen to the event.

@foreach ($mediaItems as $media)
    <button wire:click="$dispatchTo('create-edit', 'set-editing-item', {id: {{ $>id }}})"> </button>

    < :media="$editing" />

What is the solution?

Good question! The solution is to dispatch the event to the parent component and then let the parent component handle the event.