- Dispatching events from Livewire components
- Dispatching events from blade templates
- Dispatching events from from objects
- Listening for Events
- Refreshing Techniques
- Trouble Shooting
Dispatching events from Livewire components
$this->dispatch('event-name', key: value);
Direct to another component
Dispatching events from blade templates
<button wire:click="$dispatch('event-name', { key: value })"> ... </button>
Dispatching events from from objects
$this->component->dispatch('notify', 'Lesson form initialized');
Direct to another component
<button wire:click="$dispatchTo('my-component', 'event-name', { key: value })"> ... </button>
When using the $dispatchTo
method you must define the full path to the component path using dot notation.For example, to dispatch an event to the courses/programming/edit
component you would use:
$this->dispatchTo('courses.programming.edit', 'some-event');
Listening for Events
- Dispatch the event from the child component
- Listen for the event on the parent component
// where the child component is being used in the parent component
<livewire:quiz :slid @refresh-parent="$refresh" />
Registering event listeners using the protected $listeners = ['event-name' => 'method'];
Registering event listeners using the use Livewire\Attributes\On;
public function doStuff() { }
Refreshing Techniques
Refreshing a list of items after an action has been performed
Scenario: You're working with a main form that includes a list of items. Each item is a separate Livewire component, referred to as 'ListRow'. These items are iterated over within the main component. The goal is to refresh this list after an action has been performed.
Dispatch an event from the 'ListRow' component after an action has been performed. For example, when an item is deleted, dispatch a 'refresh-list' event.
// ListRow.php
public function deleteItem($itemId){
// Delete the item
// Dispatch a refresh event to the main component
There are several approaches to achieve this:
Add a listener to the main component and call the $refresh
// main-component.blade.php
// list in main component
@foreach ($items as $item)
<livewire:list-row :item="$item" :key="$item->id" />
// MainComponent.php
protected $listeners = ['refresh-list' => '$refresh'];
Trouble Shooting
Event listeners not working
Make sure the Livewire component blade views are on the same page.