Redux Toolkit - Thunk

This is not a comprehensive guide to Thunk, instead, it focuses on common patterns and concepts using abstract examples. Once you learn these patterns, you'll notice how they repeat themselves, making them easier to implement.
This guide will assume you are already familiar with the basics of Redux Toolkit such as creating a store, using reducers, and connecting components to the store. If these terms are unfamiliar to you, you may want to check out and understand the basic concepts first.

What is a Thunk?

Beside being a dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground, 'thunk' is a term used in programming to describe a function that wraps an expression to delay its evaluation.

In the context of Redux, a thunk is a function that can be dispatched to the store that can contain side effects, asynchronous requests, and other logic.

Handling asynchronous actions with createAsyncThunk

Asynchronous actions involve side effects like API requests, requiring you to wait for a response before updating the state. This typically happens when interacting with external systems like servers, where you need the response before updating the state.

Redux Toolkit offers createAsyncThunk to define a thunk that dispatches pending, fulfilled, and rejected actions based on the returned promise's lifecycle. This function simplifies the process by automatically dispatching the appropriate actions based on the promise's status.

The createAsyncThunk function takes two arguments:

  1. A string representing the action type.
  2. A function that returns a promise, known as the "payload creator".
export const myThunk = createAsyncThunk(
    'feature/someAction',   // name of the action
    async () => { }         // payload creator

Payload Creator

The payload creator is a function passed as the second argument to createAsyncThunk. It's responsible for performing the actual asynchronous operation, typically involving an API request or any logic that requires waiting for a response.

This function returns a promise that resolves with the data obtained from the asynchronous operation or rejects with an error if something goes wrong.

The payload creator function can accept two arguments:

  1. value: The value passed to the action creator when it's dispatched.
  2. thunkAPI: An object containing useful properties and functions for handling asynchronous logic.
export const someAction = createAsyncThunk(
    async (value, thunkAPI) => {
        // Perform an asynchronous operation here
        return // the result as a promise

Note: that the both the first and second arguments are optional. You only need to include them if you need to access the value or thunkAPI values.

Creating a Thunk

Steps (high-level overview)

  1. Create a slice
    • Use createSlice from @reduxjs/toolkit to define a Redux slice.
    • Define the name, initialState, reducers, and extraReducers for the slice.
  2. Define an async thunk using createAsyncThunk to handle asynchronous logic.
    • Add the action type string (e.g., feature/someAction).
    • Add "payload creator" function(s), which are an async function that returns a promise.
  3. Add Extra Reducers
    • Inside your slice definition (createSlice), add extra reducers to handle pending, fulfilled, and rejected actions dispatched by the async thunk.
  4. Export the async thunk, action creators, and the slice reducer.
  5. Dispatch Thunk
    • In your React component, use the useDispatch hook from react-redux to dispatch the async thunk.
  6. Handle State Changes
    • Use the useSelector hook from react-redux to select and react to state changes triggered by the async thunk.
The steps above provide a high-level overview of the process. The following sections will dive deeper into each step, providing more context and examples.

Basic Example

Things to remember

  • When working with asynchronous functions, you always define the action first using createAsyncThunk, and then you define the reducers.
  • The way you define a reducer for an asynchronous function is different because it doesn’t go in the reducers object. It actually goes at the bottom in something that we call extraReducers.
  • You don’t need to worry too much about the builder, it’s just a tool that allows you to essentially add cases to the reducers.
  • Through the builder object, you can define how the state should be updated based on the different states of the promise (pending, fulfilled, rejected).
  • The naming of actions and reducers is automatically generated by Redux Toolkit. You only need to define the action name for asynchronous functions.
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const initialState = {
    data: { count: 0 },
    isLoading: false,
    error: null

export const incrementByValueAsync = createAsyncThunk(
    async (amount) => {
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
        return amount;

const counterSlice = createSlice({
    name: 'counter',
    reducers: { },
    extraReducers: (builder) => {
            .addCase(incrementByValueAsync.pending, () => {
            .addCase(incrementByValueAsync.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
       += action.payload;
            .addCase(incrementByValueAsync.rejected, () => {

// export const {} = counterSlice.actions;
export default counterSlice.reducer;

Why do we use extraReducers for asynchronous functions?

When working with asynchronous functions, you need to handle different states such as pending, fulfilled, and rejected. The extraReducers object allows you to define reducers for these states separately from the synchronous reducers. This makes it easier to manage the different states and update the state accordingly.

Conceptually, the extraReducers works similarly to the reducers object. However it handles asynchronous actions using the builder object.

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