Ionic Date and Time Examples

Date in popover formatted with date-fns

Install the date-fns package

npm install date-fns --save

Then, import the format and parseISO modules from the date-fns package and create a function to format the date as a string.

// src/app/
import { format, parseISO } from 'date-fns';

export class SomePage {

   date: any;

    setDateAsString(value) { = format(parseISO(value), 'dd/MM/yyyy');

Note: In the html, pass the date value as a reference rather than using data binding because dates are a pain in the a$$ and I can't find any useful documentation to tell me otherwise!

<!-- src/app/ -->
<ion-item id="open-date-popover">
    <ion-icon name="calendar-outline" slot="start"></ion-icon>
    <ion-text slot="end">{{reminder}}</ion-text>

<ion-popover trigger="open-date-popover" size="cover">
        <ion-datetime #date presentation="date" (ionChange)="setDateAsString(date.value)"
            [preferWheel]="true" [showDefaultButtons]="true" size="cover"></ion-datetime>