HTTP Observable Example

Create the service, observable and fetch the data

Note: this example is extending a HTTP service that I created, but you can use the Angular HTTP service instead.

export class GroupService extends HttpService<any>   {

    // Define a private BehaviorSubject
    private _groups$ = new BehaviorSubject<Group | null>(null);
    // API endpoint
    private endpoint: string = '/api/groups';

    // Get the BehaviorSubject as an Observable
    // This is the public interface that the component will subscribe to
    groupsSubject(): Observable<Group | null> {
        return this._groups$.asObservable();

    // run `GET` request, then Update the BehaviorSubject with the fetched data
    index(): void {
        this.get(this.endpoint).subscribe((data: Group) => this._groups$.next(data));

Subscribe to the observable in the component

The service.index method does not subscribe to the observable, it simply instructs the service to fetch the data. The actual subscription to the observable and fetching of the data only occurs when a component subscribes to it.

ngOnInit() {
    // fetch the data when the component is initialised

    // Subscribe to the observable to access the fetched data
    this.groupService.groupsSubject().subscribe((data: Group | null) => {
        // Now you can work with the fetched data, which is available in 'data'

Filter the observable data